Network of Open-Minded People on their Spiritual Journey

Prediction for 2011 by Astrologer Elizabeth Jones

2011 is the year to be authentic...to find our personal unique expression and bring it forward. Astrologer Elizabeth Jones
can see “the light at the end of the tunnel“.

We were told that it’s a privilege for us to be here at this time; that we were chosen to come here and help the planet. Past years, had us asking ourselves…

•How am I going to thrive in these present times?
•Why am I here?
•How can I be of greater service?
•How do I merge the dynamics of higher consciousness and physicality in my life?

And Elizabeth said the merging will take place this year as we become consistent in raising our vibrations to be a vehicle for the Divine. This consistency will stem from the recognition that we have a critical part to play. She said as we say, “Yes!”, we gain spiritual protection from the angelic realms because they become more invested in us. We’re saying yes to being the anchor of the higher energies coming down, and with this spiritual protection comes greater resources and personal energies to accomplish our life paths.

2011 is the year where many of us will shift from “seeking” to “manifesting”, and we’ll grasp new understandings and insights. We’ll experience an increase in our personal intuition and a greater inner knowing, As we open to more guidance, we will become more trusting.

The years leading up to this year had us going through cycles of working on our “inner realms”. We were being primed for what’s to come, and we’re now more open to new ways of receiving. We now have a new awareness that will infiltrate more into our daily lives, and we’ll find that the old patterns no longer fit. It’s now about our conscious choices being in sync with the flow of these new energies, and, again, we need to be consistent with how we bring in these vibrations (i.e. breath work, yoga, meditation, etc.). The result, or rewards, of consciously choosing will be greater and not subtle like before.

There are 4 major aspects coming our way…

•Jupiter-Uranus conjunct in the last degrees of Pisces (it’s the 3rd of 3 meetings and all planets are direct which makes this a very powerful time): This transit won’t happen again in our lifetimes, and the direct station of these planets gives us a forward thrust into the new year. Change will come to us and much light will be added. Time to let go and forgive. Be open to new possibilities. Accomplish what you came here to do. Divine gifts are ready to come forward; resulting in greater expansion.

•Jupiter entering Aries: Brings boldness, courage, excitement, sense of renewal for many. Open to change that brings more vitality/aliveness. Asks, “Where am I willing to change/grow?”, “Am I willing to see what is truly possible for me?”, “Am I willing to expand even if it means really changing?”, “If I’m really feeling bold/confident, what would that look like?”, and “What can I do differently that will bring me joy?”

•Uranus entering Aries: Is the spark/catalyst for things to happen (it’s show time!). Be ready to receive more light. Be open to new experiences, even if they seem quirky. Allow higher frequencies to come through; Lower Will will come into alignment with Higher Will. Ask, “What is different now?”, “What new is coming to me that I haven’t considered?” Trust what you receive in dreams and other ways you receive messages.

•Neptune entering Pisces: Hasn’t happened since 1860s. Very mystical time. Dissolves sense of separation to self and others. Brings greater devotion to God/Source. Greater heart opening. Be willing to surrender to higher will.

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