Network of Open-Minded People on their Spiritual Journey

As a caring global citizen and Global Coherence (Initiative) member, most likely you have already been directing your love and care towards Chile where an 8.8 magnitude earthquake struck over the weekend. The GCI staff has also been sending heart-focused care to Chile. This catastrophe has come on the heels of the earthquake in Haiti, where the GCI Care Focus has been directing heart-focused care and compassion. The people of Haiti still need our energetic support, and we request that you now include the people of Chile in your heartfelt prayers, meditations and affirmations.

In Chile, more than 800 people have been reported killed and the number is rising, while the number of injured is not yet known; 2,000,000 people have been displaced; 500,000 buildings have been destroyed. Relief supplies are only beginning to arrive and food and water shortages are a great concern. Powerful aftershocks continue to create fear and looting has become a serious issue. It is especially in these times, the days after the initial event, that people affected need more of our energetic support.

As a caring community, let’s radiate our heart-focused care and compassion with the intention to help ease the emotional pain, fear, insecurity and loss experienced by the people in Chile as well as Haiti.

You can use the Heart Warm-up and Heart Coherence Technique or whatever method you choose that’s comfortable to you and engages your heart’s compassion. Let your heart radiation and compassion extend to the people of Chile and Haiti and then expand out to all catastrophes and hardships going on throughout the world. True compassion facilitates yet allows for Universal Love to know the highest need for the whole.

Also, you can join with others around the world in the Global Care Room as you radiate your heart-focused care and compassion. To access the Room, just log in at www.glcoherence.org and click on the enter button on your My Member page (if you are not Global Coherence Initiative member yet, please join).

Thank you for providing energetic care and support.

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Replies to This Discussion

This is so beautiful to see, when you really think about it. No, not the tragedies but the outpoutring of love and compassion form all parts of the world. I've been following the after effects of Pat Robertsons's unfounded judement over on Youtube that Haiti was being punished by God because, at some point in their past they apparently made a pact with "the Devil". Not only were his facts very distorted and misleading, he assumed to speak, essentially, for all of Christians. It turns out that is not the case at all. I have read people from all faiths offering their support and love to those brave Chritians who have spoken out in rebuttal against Mr. Robertson's proclamation of judgment. It actually filled me with incredible joy to see that people, despite theri religious views, can come together in peace and love. It gives me incredible hope for the future.
I am not aware of this Global Care Room but will definitely be checking it out. Thank you, Sister, for keeping us informed and reminding us that we can make a difference, simply by directing our prayer energy to these tragedies and the people adversely affected. Love and Light, Sister, Nick xx
Aw what a wonderful person you are and I am so sorry that this has happened to them. God bless them and such things like this makes your realise how lucky we are that we do not live in a place where there are massive earthquakes.

Love Cindy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




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