Network of Open-Minded People on their Spiritual Journey

Weekly Message From Lord Raziel: Imagining Odds


I greet you, Dear Ones, with love, gratitude and respect from the Most High. It is an honor, as always, to once again address you on behalf of our Great Creator and the numerous enlightened Beings of Light who you are interacting with constantly. In my last message, I made you aware that specific pieces of this great Cosmic Puzzle have finally aligned and this is truth. Many of you have found yourself wondering when we would alert you that it was time to step into your power and your roles within The Creator’s Divine Plan. So many of you are eager and willing to do this and it gladdens us beyond your comprehension, knowing that we truly can rely on you to fulfill your commitments and agreements.

Those terms will make some of you uneasy but it is not intended to do so. So many of you have had people in your life who have reprimanded you for this very thing and often it has not been accompanied with love and compassion. I have often reminded you, Dear Ones, that each of you play a key role, no matter how small or insignificant you deem it to be. Certainly, you volunteered but you must understand one other essential part of this. Out of the vast number of enlightened beings who stepped forward at The Creator’s request, to assist humanity in this pivotal period of change and evolution, only a small percentage were selected. In your own reality, you see this occur with regularity. In nature, not every seed is destined to continue the cycle of life as it has known. Some fall on unfertile ground, some are ingested while others simply bury themselves deep in the soil to await their next cycle of life. In human biology you are also aware of this. Many millions of seeds are made available to fertilize the egg of the female and yet only one is successful in the creation of a new life within the mother’s womb. If you consider the odds of each one in particular, they really are quite astronomical.

In each of your lives, so many of you have stepped forward to assist another in their time of need. Have you ever wondered why you felt within yourself that this was a type of obligation, a clarion call that you could not and would not avoid? Surely, out of all the billions of souls who presently reside in your physical reality, there must have been others who could have assisted. Once again, I return to the astronomical odds of being in a position to provide the exact help that was needed and desired. At times, you have felt the urge to help so strongly, that you have willingly given up some part of your security and comfort for the benefit of another. It has often been said by enlightened beings who have incarnated that the spiritual advancement and maturity of a group can be determined by the way they assist the least fortunate. This statement must be extended a bit further and it is this aspect I wish to address briefly.

You are all aware of energy as the underlying component that is common to all things. It is intent that determines the type and effect of this energy. In helping others, if your intent is sincere and free of expectations, the outcome may not be as you expected. The person may not express their gratitude or the help you’ve given is used in a way that may upset, annoy or confuse you. I remind you again, Dear Ones, how important it is to give without the expectation of any return. The type of energy you expend will always be returned to you in some fashion. Please know this, Dear Ones. When you give in this manner, it is in response to not only your soul and our urgings, but also as part of the commitment you made to The Creator when you entered this life.

Much will be transpiring in the coming days and months. Light will be shone on what has been clothed in darkness and many will be in need of you and what you are here to do. It is time, Dear Ones, to step forward. Know that you will always be supported in fulfilling your purpose. No role is insignificant, please remember this. The coming days will require great courage so please know we are only a whisper away. You have our love, respect and gratitude, Dear Ones.

I am Raziel, Keeper of Celestial Mysteries

(Channeld by Nick Nash - Feb. 14/10)

Blogs: The Raziel Remnants Mystical Musings

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Comment by Bright Sorcerer on February 19, 2010 at 12:11pm
HI ya, Sister! I wanted to offer you our sincere gratitude for your efforts to bringing these messages to public consciousness. I found this one a bit odd, for a number of reasons, but Raziel explained that many right now are in need of reassurance that they do have a purpose and a definite mission of service. It is so easy to get distracted and influenced by the difficulties around us and I am not immune...lol. Thanks again, Sister, for your help. It really is very much appreciated. Love and Light, Nick xx
Comment by Angelia Roseline on February 19, 2010 at 11:07am

Hi my friend and brother Nick, I'd like to thank you for your weekly posts - The Messages from Lord Raziel. I deeply appreciate that you are sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us. I'm being very inspired by that.

God bless you
Simona :)



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